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My Personal Portfolio

Hi! I'm Harshit, a software engineer based in Bangalore, India.
I enjoy creating things that live on the internet, whether that be mobile applications or anything in between. My goal is to always build products that provide pixel-perfect, performant experiences.

Check out My resume

I am an Android Developer, competitive programmer and love to solve brain teasing problems.
Below you can find my resume.

My Resume


Hobbies Matching App

This Android app matches users with the similar hobbies to each other. It uses the K Nearest Neighbors algorithm to find users with matching hobbies. The users can chat with each other with the inbuilt chatting feature. The app uses Firebase as it's database.

  • Java
  • Firebase
  • Google Cloud
  • Flask Python

Flappy Bird AI

I recreated the flappy bird game but with a twist. Instead of me playing the game an AI learns to play the game. This has been possible with the help of neat library in pytho that uses reinforcement learning to train the computer to play the game.

  • Python
  • neat

Dark Memer Discord Bot

This is a Discord bot coded in python . To use any commands relating to dark memer use '.' in front of the command. It uses reddit api to get memes. Also it can reply to certain question as yes or no. It can google and search wikipedia and present the top result

  • Python
  • Reddit Api

Notes Making App

This is a simple Notes making App coded in Kotlin. It uses the latest MVVM architecture suggested by Google. It uses Room Database for permanent data storage. User can make his/her notes and store it here.

  • Kotlin
  • Room DB
  • MVVM


I've worked with a range a technologies in the Android and Web development world. From Back-end To Design

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    Android Studio and React

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Firebase

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma

About Me

I love coding and solving algorithmic problems. I also have a passion for learning and making my ideas into reality.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


Github contributions in 2021


stars at Hacker Rank


stars at CodeChef

Innovating one project at a time